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How to regain control of your life?

How to regain control of your life?

Do you ever feel like everything around you is falling apart and you have no control anymore?

You are not the only one.


One term perfectly describes the state of being unmotivated and helpless: burnout.


It occurs through constant work and exhaustion without quality rest. Your brain is always occupied with stressful thoughts and you never give in and focus on something that has nothing to do with work and other obligations.




In simple words - you wear out. This isn't unexpected since you're juggling five balls at once: work, family, friends, health, and taking care of yourself (not accidentally listed last).


Burnout is a risk with a high price. It's the moment when you work hard without taking quality rest. You meet everyone's needs and standards. You talk too much to others and too little to yourself.


We always make time for others putting ourselves last. In doing so, we are sure that we're doing the right thing.


Testing your limits is good. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone for better and greater success is an excellent step towards something exciting.


The problem arises when you absolutely crush all obstacles, trample yourself, and put yourself too much out there.


You'll feel that toxic moment approaching. The state of burning out is easily recognized because suddenly everything becomes a burden to you, everything is difficult for you and you become frustrated with every little thing that does not go according to plan.


Burnout is when we go out and want to stay home. We stayed awake for a long time but wanted to go to bed earlier.



Some of the main symptoms of burnout are:

  • Forgetting and inability to concentrate

  • You are not proud of your work

  • You lose sight of yourself and your goals

  • You have a hard time maintaining relationships and you are rarely with your loved ones

  • Feeling frustration and irritation towards the people around you

  • Unexplained muscle tension, pain, weakness and insomnia



Burnout is dangerous for your well-being and can negatively affect your work environment, preventing you from enjoying hobbies and your family or relaxing.

Here are some tips on how you can stop it because ignoring it will make it even worse:


Find the source


It's hard to change when you don't know what caused the problem. At this stage, try to discover what brought you to the breaking point.


The most common cause is work, or overly demanding schedule in college, relationship problems, caring for a close person suffering from a severe illness, and a similar stressful situation.


Trying to put up with it all creates the perfect environment for burnout.



What changes can you make?


When you find the cause of your demotivation, you can do the following:


  • Let's say these three big projects keep you awake at night. Accept that doing everything at once will not lead to anything.
  • Reduce obligations and schedule them better, but be sure to leave a hole in the day. Exclusively for yourself.
  • If your hours in the day are running out, there is no point in adding more tasks. Leave something for tomorrow.


What obligations can you cancel and postpone? Can you find time for a good movie marathon?


Write everything down on paper and face your problem. When you realize how much you are carrying on your back, you will learn that you need to start allocating your time better for me.





If there is uncertainty about how to organize your life and you cannot detect the reason for the burnout, that is normal.


Talking to the people you love makes you feel less alone. Friends, family and partners can help you brainstorm several solutions.


Don't fight alone. It's always easier to share with someone.


Take back control


Burnout will make you feel helpless. You may not have control of the situation at the moment, but you have the power to return as captain of your ship.


To get started, try this:


Prioritize. Some things need to be done, and some can wait when you have more strength and energy. Decide which tasks are less critical and which are very important and urgent.


Delegate. You can't do everything alone. If you have several tasks that require a quick solution, pass them on to someone you trust.


Leave work at work. Much of the recovery from burnout is in learning to balance private life and work. When you leave your job, focus on resting and recharging your batteries for a new day.


Be more determined. Talk to others and let them know your decision. Explain that you need support and understanding to take care of yourself and put control back in your hands.


Set boundaries. Setting limits on the time you give to others is very important. Before you promise help and companionship, do this:


  • Stop yourself
  • What will be expected of you if you agree to it?
  • Do you really have the will and strength to do that?
  • Does it give you any value?


    Much of setting boundaries is about learning how to say no.



    Practice understanding of yourself


    Allow yourself love and support. Remind yourself that you don't have to be perfect and that it's okay to stop and rest sometimes.


    So you may not be able to study three subjects at once. Who can, really?


    You have to understand yourself and your potential.


    Take care of your needs


    Take the initiative over your physical and mental health. You can best do this by following these steps:


    • Sleep more than 7 hours a day
    • Spend time with loved ones, but not too much. Being alone with yourself is just as important.
    • Eat nutritious foods and drink plenty of water.
    • Try meditation, yoga, essential oils and indulge.
    • Remind yourself of what makes you happy.
    • Create a list of things that bring you joy.


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