Master Guide to Curly Hair Care: Tips and Tricks for Healthy Curls

Master Guide to Curly Hair Care: Tips and Tricks for Healthy Curls

From identifying your curl type to everyday care


Curly hair is of a unique and beautiful texture that many envy, but with that beautiful hair comes a lot of challenges. Whether your curls are natural or achieved through styling, caring for curly strands is crucial for them to remain healthy, vibrant, and simply gorgeous. That’s why we’ve decided to give you some super useful tips to make your care routine as good, efficient, and effective as possible.


But at the very beginning, it's important to understand what type of curly hair you have. The reason for this is that not all curls are the same, and a routine that suits one type of hair doesn't necessarily mean it will suit another. Curly hair is categorized into three main types - type 2 (wavy hair), type 3 (curly hair), and type 4 (coily hair).


Each of these types has subcategories based on the tightness and size of the curls. Recognizing your specific hair type is the first step in customizing the proper care that suits your needs.


Washing and Hydrating Hair


Washing your hair and conditioning, or hydration in the form of conditioner, are basic steps in curly hair care. However, it's important to keep in mind that curly hair is usually drier than straight hair, so it's very important to choose the right products and techniques.


Shampooing Hair


When choosing a shampoo for your hair, pick one without sulfates to prevent it from becoming too dry. Remember, it is recommended to shampoo your hair only when necessary to avoid stripping natural oils from the hair. Ideally, for most people with curly hair, a thorough hair wash should be done once a week or every two weeks.


But we understand that this often isn't the case. Still, make sure to use products that won't damage and dry out your hair.


Hair Care with Conditioner


When choosing a conditioner, opt for a hydrating one. Apply it generously to the hair, then comb through with a wide-tooth comb and leave for a few minutes to allow the product to penetrate the curls. Also, consider using a deep conditioner once a week for additional moisture and better hair recovery.


Combining Shampoo and Conditioner at Once


Although this case isn't common, some people with curly hair skip using shampoo and use conditioner to clean their hair. But, if you don't want to do too many steps, there is also the so-called 2-in-1 wash when you apply both shampoo and conditioner to your hair at the same time.


This method will help you prevent excessive drying and help maintain natural oils in the hair.


Drying Curly Hair After Washing


The way you choose to dry your hair can significantly affect your routine, and therefore, the "quality" of your hair. There are several options you can try, but try them out following the tips we've highlighted below.


Towel Drying



If you decide to towel dry your hair, avoid rubbing your hair intensively with a regular towel. A "regular" towel can cause tangling and breaking of the hair, and everyone with curly hair knows how terrible it is when it tangles. Instead, use a microfiber towel or an old short-sleeved shirt to gently remove excess moisture from your hair.


Drying with a Hairdryer and Diffuser


When using a hairdryer, attach a diffuser to reduce frizz and enhance the natural shape of the curls. Use the dryer on low heat and keep the diffuser at a distance to avoid overheating the hair.


Styling Curls


Styling curly hair is an art of its own, and there are several methods you can try to find out which one best suits you. Experiment a little to make the chosen style ideal for your hair type and personal preferences.


Option 1. Twisting Hair



Create defined curls by twisting small sections of hair around your finger. This interesting and fun method works great for people with type 3 and type 4 curls and will add structure to the hair and prevent unwanted tangling.


Option 2. Combing Hair


This method involves combing the hair while it is damp to improve the definition of curls. Apply a curl-enhancing product, then scrunch the hair upwards to "encourage" the curls to take on the desired shape.


Option 3. Plopping


Plopping is a popular method for drying and defining curls. After applying styling products to your hair, wrap it in a short-sleeved shirt or microfiber towel for some time. This allows the fabric to absorb excess moisture and promotes curl formation.


Option 4. "Pineapple" Hairstyle


This very popular nighttime technique is an excellent solution for preserving curls during the hours you lie down or sleep. Gather your hair into a loose, high ponytail using a hair tie or silk scrunchie to prevent flattening and tangling while you sleep.


How to Prevent Hair Tangling?



How to prevent hair tangling?


We might not always be aware of it, but it's very important to use the right comb for our hair. Yes, with almost any comb you can somewhat manage your hair, but with accompanying pain and discomfort, and that's really something we want to avoid.


We thought about this and launched fantastic spiral brushes onto the market that detangle even curly hair without pulling. Sounds great, doesn't it? Allow us to introduce them to you.


We're talking about our Eco brushes for detangling hair without damage. We adore these brushes for many reasons, but mostly because of the flexible yet sturdy bristles that are specially adapted for untangling all hair types, including curly hair.


The spiral shape of the base allows the brush to follow the scalp almost perfectly and cover a larger area. While at the same time it provides a perfect scalp massage and promotes blood circulation. Besides being excellent for hair and scalp, these brushes are also great for the environment!



Interested in why? The base of the brushes is made from specially treated cornstarch, and the bristles are firmly connected to the base without the use of glue. This method of production significantly reduces the release of carbon compounds into the atmosphere, and the perfect addition to all the above is that the brushes are recyclable!


The only difference between these brushes is in shape. The Eco brush for detangling hair without damage - Blue Spiral is larger than the Eco brush for detangling hair without damage - Swirl. Therefore, you can carry the double spiral brush everywhere with you and never worry about "messy" hair, or potential tangled curls because you have a tool that will help you make your hair look perfect.



We will end the topic on our super brushes with two great tips: try the brushes on wet and dry hair to see which you prefer, even if your hair is already well combed, use the brushes for a scalp massage – you know you won't regret it.


What else can you do for proper care of curly hair?


There are several things to keep in mind when it comes to caring for curly hair.


For instance, it's advisable to regularly trim curly hair to remove split ends and maintain the shape of the hair. By trimming damaged hair you also affect less tangling and require twice less combing.


It's very useful to remember to protect hair from heat damage by using heat protection products when styling your hair. This advice, of course, applies to all other hair types as well, but especially to the curly type which requires much more care and "work."


This might sound silly to you, but try to minimize exposing curly hair to harsh weather conditions such as cold or heat because exposure to such conditions can lead to dryness and tangling of the hair.


We believe the following advice is already known to you from social networks, but if you can, invest in a silk or satin pillowcase. This type of pillowcase, more precisely the material, reduces friction and prevents hair from tangling during the night.


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